Info: IMDB Ratings : 6.8 / 10 [code][/code] Plot Outline: Quote: Despite his notorious relationship with the Church, Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon is once again called upon to decipher the clues to a catastrophic conspiracy. The Pope has died, and before conclave can begin to determine his successor, the four preferitti (primary hopefuls for the papacy) are kidnapped. An ominous threat of their hourly demise, along with the complete annihilation of Vatican City, is issued as an elaborate revenge scheme for a persecuted group known as the Illuminati. With their meager time limit steadily counting down, Langdon, accompanied by beautiful physicist Vittoria Vetra, must travel throughout Rome to unravel the carefully hidden signs that will lead them to a terrifying adversary, a harrowing discovery, and the shocking truth
[FORMAT]:.......................[ Matroska [GENRE]:........................[ Drama | Mystery | Thriller [FILE SIZE]:....................[ 600 MiB [NO OF CDs]:....................[ 1 [RESOLUTION]:...................[ 1008 x 416 [ASPECT RATIO]:.................[ 2:40:1 [FRAME RATE]:...................[ 23.976 fps [LANGUAGE ]:....................[ English [SUBTITLES]:....................[ yes : english : separate file [ORIGINAL RUNTIME]:.............[ 02:26:00 [RELEASE RUNTIME]:..............[ 02:18:00 ( ending credits cut ) [SOURCE]:.......................[ Angels.&.Demons.2009.Extended.Cut.BluRay.720p.x264.DTS-WiKi.mkv